Sunday, October 26, 2008


I guess you can say I've been busy! I can't believe it's the end of another month here in Juneau. Time seems to be flying by, which is a good thing. The schools keep me really busy during the week and I spend most of my weekend time hiking or hanging out with friends.
On 10/25, I woke up to about 2 inches of snow outside my window. This morning I woke up to even more snow, about 3 inches, and it keeps on coming down! Yesterday's snow was great for snowballs! Today's snow is a bit wetter, but it's getting warmer. It may turn to rain later today or tomorrow. So far this month, at the UAS campus, we have had 9.5 inches of precipitation. October is the wettest month here in Juneau, so by my thinking, that means the weather can only get better! (Can you tell I am really sick of the rain already?)
I was really hoping to be able to come home for Thanksgiving and Trevor's 21st birthday, but I only have 2 days off from school for the break, and have decided it is best for me to stay here.
BUT! I will be coming home for our winter holiday break! I will be back on the East coast for a bit over two weeks. I am so excited to spend time with my family and friends! I miss everyone from home.
The snow is calling me out to play again! I've been throwing snowballs against the side of our apartment and calling it "art". Yeah, I know I'm weird, but I'm ok with it!

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