Tuesday, May 13, 2008

First Job as an Occupational Therapist Ever!

Instead of working at camp this summer... boo.... I applied for a job working as an occupational therapist at Mary Immaculate Nursing and Restorative Center, in Lawrence, MA. I started on May 8th, thinking I was going in for two days of orientation. On Friday, I had six patients on my caseload... Talk about hitting the ground running!
Today was my 4th day, and my first evaluation of a patient. I walked into the patient's room, and started talking to one of the men in the room. He kept babbling at me, saying some rather dirty things. He kept a running commentary for the a long 15 minutes. I was not getting any of the information I needed to complete the eval. I turned around, looking at his side of the room for inspiration, when I noticed a picture of the man with one of the Restorative nurses. I was talking to the wrong man!!! The patient I was actually supposed to be completing the eval on was a character! We talked for the whole hour. Unfortunately, I couldn't justify a reason to treat him. I may have to wander up to his room to visit with him sometime. Other than that, my patients have been really nice. Most of the residents I meet are wonderful, and many comment on my smile (which gives me more reason to smile!)
While the setting might not be my favorite, the job is only for three months, until Martin and I move to Alaska! Hopefully, out there I can find a job I really like. For now, I'll look foward to working at camp on the weekends.

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